Project Location
A new home involves many unknowns. Steven will act as your guide in understanding the current state of the structure and walk you through recommended improvements. Having an expert at your side will give you insight as to a structure’s strengths and weaknesses; from the foundation to the roof. Steven will help you to understand the heart of your home and will assist prioritizing items of daily living and investment improvements. Steven may even counsel you against buying and/or building if the project appears to not be in your best financial interest.
Your home should meet your daily living needs while maintaining its literal and inherent value. The housing market has risen and fallen during many economical cycles, but solid real estate has maintained its steady value. A well built and thought-out home on well-located land ought to hold its value and appreciate over time.
Project Budget
Embarking on your home design project is a significant financial and time commitment. We operate within your budget and guide where to best invest your dollars. We design every home to retain and increase in value over time. In order to provide an exploratory opportunity, we offer an initial first meeting free of charge. Also, when possible we create financial flexibility with phased building plans.
Designing a Vision
Each home is location specific – the environmental influences of land, wind, sea, air, + light need to be taken into account with respect to materials and construction details. Overlaid with personal lifestyle choices, the design process further evolves. All phases of the design process (schematic design, discovery and disclosure of zoning codes, design development, and construction documentation) help to hone the vision for your home so that the construction process goes as smoothly as possible.
Building a Vision
As with any well-planned building project, permitting must occur to move the project forward. Steven has years of experience planning and scheduling construction in a multitude of jurisdictions. Having Mr. Young on your team early, navigating both the zoning code and building code will reduce unknowns and help to alleviate costs. During construction, he will personally coordinate / supervise the trades and mitigate change orders. He will build your dwelling board by board so that you will have the home that you envisioned.
Sustainable Building
We are acutely aware of the environment and proactively take measures to protect the health of the air and land during the building process. During demolition we recycle as much material as possible and properly dispose of harmful waste. All new materials and finishes are chosen for aesthetics and cost, as well as for environmentally healthy and energy efficient reasons. Your new home should be toxin free and built with minimal waste. In order to ensure that you have the greenest options to choose from, we will continue to test materials and converse frequently with those within the design and construction industries. Knowledge is best shared, and we do so on a client and on a colleague level. We will direct our sustainability efforts according to your green goals.